

by Fred L. Young

The Restoration movement as evidenced in the Church has a unique program for assisting its members to their goal of righteousness. Particularly is this true in the case of those who fall into temptation and sin, whether it be one which deeply affects the lives of many. or which touches only the lives of a few. This ministry finds its roots in the lives of the members, and extends through the work of the priesthood and the Church judicial system.

As members of the Church better understand the purpose and achievable goals of the ministry of reconciliation, growth toward Zionic ends will be more evident. The purpose is a mutual effort toward perfection.

None other than a divine mind could conceive of a system of ministry, such as we have in the Church, which permits such close correlation of all its functions. It calls for men and women of the highest moral and spiritual character. It also calls for men and women who continue to study and grow.

When using· this book, one should consider the entire book and not one section alone. For example, when considering repentance, one should read everything on that subject. Make full use of the cross-reference index in the back of the book. .