by F. Henry Edwards
This is a book of outlines and notes which I hope will be found useful in the missionary preaching of younger men of the ministry. It is not a book of sermons, but will need to be embellished with illustrations and other material. Some may find here a source of ideas for chalk talks; others will discover clues for the answering of questions. But I do hope that wherever else it fails, it will succeed in stimulating the thought of our missionary-minded priesthood along the lines of our fundamental faith.
In my search for ideas for this book I have drawn on every source I could call to mind: Heralds, Ensigns, tracts, books, and sermon notes. It is therefore possible that the more experienced among the brethren will find here many points of view with which they have long been familiar. I would gladly give credit for the various points of view presented if I knew where they originated. The only safe way to do this is to express gratitude for the guidance of the Spirit of Truth, Who, after all, is the only source of our understanding.
The cover of the 1940 edition is shown. There was also a revised edition in 1949.