Last Update: August 24, 2010

Anderson, Audentia Smith, Ancestry and Posterity of Joseph Smith and Emma Hale
Anderson, Audentia (Ed.), Joseph Smith III and the Restoration
Anderson, Audentia (Ed.), The Memoirs of President Joseph Smith III
Anderson, Diane M. (ed), J. C. Clapp: Valiant Missionary
Anderson, Diane M. (ed), J. C. Clapp: Man of Valor
Anholt, Kasper, Seek First the Kingdom
Barrington, George, God Will Not Let Me Go
Barrington, George, Use Even Me
Blair, William W., Joseph the Seer—His Prophetic Mission Vindicated
Blair, Frederick B., The Memoirs of President W. W. Blair
Blumenschein, Marian, Home in Honduras
Burton, Emma Beatrice, Beatrice Witherspoon
Butterworth, F. Edward, Adventures of a South Sea Missionary
Butterworth, F. Edward, Irby
Butterworth, F. Edward, Leaves from the Tree of Paradise
Butterworth, F. Edward, The Adventures of John Hawkins
Case, Oscar, My Book of Acts
Collins, Camilla Holben, In the Hollow of His Hand
Conduff, Sara, Because He Cares
Cornish, John J., Into the Latter Day Light
Davies, William V., Oh, the Wonder of His Love
Derry, Charles, Autobiography of Elder Charles Derry
Draper, Maurice L., Arthur A. Oakman: An Artist with Words
Draper, Maurice L., Footnotes
Draper, Maurice, The Founding Prophet
Draper, Maurice, Why I Belong
Edwards, Paul M., The Chief
Edwards, Paul M., F. Henry Edwards: Articulator for the Church
Evans, R. C., Autobiography of Bishop R. C. Evans
Evans, R. C., Forty Years in the Mormon Church; Why I Left It
Forscutt, Mark H., A Tribute to Emma
Fry, Charles, Memoirs and Writings of Charles Fry
Griffiths, Iris, The Vindicator
Ham, Wayne, Geoffrey F. Spencer: An Advocate for an Enlightened Faith
Hopkins, Roy V., Memoirs of Roy V. Hopkins
Hunt, Larry E., F. M. Smith: Saint as Reformer (Volume 1)
Hunt, Larry E., F. M. Smith: Saint as Reformer (Volume 2)
Inouye, Henry K., Jr., Roy A. Cheville: Explorer of Spiritual Frontiers
Jordan, Doris N., Strength for the Journey
Jordan, Larry L., For God So Loved the World
Kelley, Edmund G., The Making of a Frontier Missionary
Larsen, Margaret Sanders, Memoirs of Edward Larsen
Launius, Roger D., Father Figure [Joseph Smith III]
Launius, Roger D., Joseph Smith III: Pragmatic Prophet
Legg, Phillip R., Oliver Cowdery: Elusive Second Elder
Life and Service of W. Wallace Smith, The
Loving, Albert L., When I Put Out to Sea
Ludy, Paul V. (ed), John Brush: Eyewitness of Early Church History
Ludy, Paul V. (ed), Mark H. Forscutt: Memorable Minister and Musician
Luff, Joseph, Autobiography of Elder Joseph Luff
McKiernan, F. Mark, Sidney Rigdon
Metzger, Gary, Seven Years in Honduras
Newton, Marjorie, Hero or Traitor (Charles Wesley Wandell)
Nicholson, Minnie Blair, Elizabeth Blair: A Daughter of the Covenant
Renfroe, Z. Z., Sent Forth to Witness
Ritchie, Malcolm L., Roy Cheville—The Graceland Years
Ritchie, Malcolm L., Roy Cheville—The Patriarch Years
Sarre, Winifred Turner, Perce Judd: Man of Peace

Schaefer, Henry, I Will Be With You Always
Short, Eva Bailey, A Story of the Plains
Smith, Elbert A., Brother Elbert
Smith, Elbert A., On Memory's Beam
Smith, Joseph III, Joseph Smith III and the Restoration
Smith, Joseph III, Memories of Old Nauvoo
Smith, Joseph III, Nauvoo‑After the Exodus
Smith, Joseph III, School Days in Old Nauvoo
Smith, Joseph III, The Memoirs of President Joseph Smith III
Smith, Lucy, Biographical Sketches of Joseph Smith the Prophet (also called Joseph Smith and His Progenitors)
Smith, Lucy Mack, Joseph Smith and His Progenitors
Smith, Mildred Nelson, The Master’s Touch
Smith, Mildred Nelson, The Master’s Touch II
Smith, Ruth Lyman, Concerning the Prophet Frederick Madison Smith
Smith, Vida E., An Early Church Romance
Sorensen, Vivian Charles, In the Service of My Lord
Stevens, Thelona D., Nephi, Son of Lehi
Stowell, Addie Spaulding, The Red Man's Hope [Hubert Case]
Strand, Ruby, Ninety Years Remembering
Thompson, Mildred Smith, A Rich Heritage
Townsend, Elsie, Always the Frontier
Townsend, Elsie Doig, If You Would Learn, Go Teach
Townsend, Elsie, None to Give Away
Tucker, Margaret Bullard, Biography of Richard Bullard
Tucker, Peggy, Trek of Faith
Tyree, Alan D., Evan Fry: Proclaimer of Good News
Velt, Harold I., Not in Word Only
Weldon, Roy E., Never Alone