Last Update: August 24, 2010

Barlow, T. Ed, Living Saints Witness at Work
Booth, George H., Life, Love, and Laughter with Uncle George
Butterworth, Vida, Girls in White
Chadwick, Pat (Ruth Ann), Miracle of the Tulips
Cheville, Roy A., Meet Them in the Scriptures
Cheville, Roy A., My Endowing Experiences in Kirtland Temple
Cheville, Roy A., They Made a Difference
Cheville, Roy A., They Sang of the Restoration
Elliott, May, Extraordinary Blessings of an Ordinary Christian
Evans, John R, Indeed the Church of Jesus Christ
Fowler, Mary C., The Testimony of a Mother in Israel
Harper, Francis, Jr., Great Treasures of Knowledge
Holman, Ruth, True Stories
Hougas, Ward A., Where Trails Cross
Knisley, Alvin, Infallible Proofs
Knisley, Alvin, Revelations in Our Times
Kueffer, Carlyle F. (Ed), Stories of Our Hymns
Launius, Ardie, To the Convincing
Ludy, Paul V. (ed), Visits to Old Nauvoo
Montgomery, Jo, To Serve with Love
Mulliken, Frances Hartman, First Ladies of the Restoration
Mulliken, Frances Hartman, and Margaret Salts, Women of Destiny in the Bible
Phillips, Emma M., 33 Women of the Restoration
Phillips, Emma M., Dedicated to Serve
Pritchard, Mickey (ed), Living Testimonies (Book 1)
Pritchard, Mickey, and Diana Ludy, Lord, Whom Shall I Marry?
Rannie, Edward, Marvelous Manifestations
Restoration Witness, 2000
Ruoff, Norman D., (comp.), Testimonies of the Restoration
Ruoff, Norman D., (comp.), Yearbook of Testimony (Volumes 1-5)
Ruoff, Norman D., (ed.), Witness to the World (Testimonies from Restoration Witness)
Saints' Herald Reader
Stories of the Restoration (Stories from church papers)
Stories that Live
Thomas, Clara (comp), True Restoration Adventures (Gold)
Thomas, Clara (comp), True Restoration Blessings (Green)
Thomas, Clara (comp), True Restoration Experiences (Blue)
Thomas, Clara (comp), True Restoration Testimonies (Red)