

by Oscar Case

I have thought it would be nice to publish an account of some of my Church activities and experiences and leave for my children and all who desire to read them. I'd like to share them with you.

They have meant much to me, and I hope you will not think I am boasting when I share them with you. I have read many books and many stories, but the sweetest thing on my memory today is the story of the restored gospel told me by my parents when we met around the family altar to offer our prayers and make the old home ring with the songs of Zion.

What a challenge! I have tried to meet that challenge and make my home a home of prayer, where we could talk over the things of God unmolested and without fear. I am sure I have made many mistakes. I find myself far from the goal but very sure that my salvation is nearer than when I first believed.

Why do I say that? Testimonies from heaven, angel ministry, heavenly visions, spiritual dreams, a voice from heaven talking to me, the sick being healed through the ministry of my hands—all these and more have converted me to the faith as it is in Jesus Christ and has inspired me to seek His counsel and believe in the things He said.