by Norma Anne Holik
When beginning research for a class on prophecy, I found that there were many books written on prophecy by people from other denominations. But no book about the end times—historical prophecy, current events, and eschatology (study of the end times)—had ever been printed which pulled together the Bible, Book of Mormon, and Doctrine and Covenants.
As I progressed into this fascinating study, and as classes began to show high degrees of enthusiasm, I realized that I was being led by the Holy Spirit and the hunger of the people to write this book. I present it as the best of my own research and thinking, combined with some insights which could only have come from God. At all times the people who study this book must measure every interpretation by the Scriptures and by prayer for enlightenment. Never take the word of the author—take the Word of God instead.
I sincerely hope that every person who studies will be blessed with the knowledge and pure joy that this whole book points to the imminent return of our blessed Savior. The end product is our highest hope for life in the celestial Kingdom with Christ.
Half price through December 31, 2020.