"Question Time" was a popular column in the Saints' Herald. Collections of questions and answers were published in three books: Volume 1 (red cover) was published in 1955, Volume 2 (blue cover) in 1967, and Volume 3 (green cover) in 1976. The contents are arranged in sections according to major subjects. For instance, the first section is devoted to questions about "God, Christ, and the Holy Spirit." Other sections are centered around questions about the Scriptures, fundamental principles of the gospel, Church history and Church organization, priesthood and authority, apostasy, reformation, restoration, Zion, and many other subjects.
A complete index has been prepared so that the reader may quickly find the question and answer of particular interest.
The three books are designed to help both the adult and youth of the Church—and nonmember friends, too—to a better understanding of the Church and its beliefs and practices.