by F. Henry Edwards
When my first commentary was published in 1938, it was felt that a study of the historical background of the revelations in the book of Doctrine and Covenants was needed. In the six printings of the Commentary, it was revised at a number of points, generally to bring it up-to-date; but the passage of time, the receipt of further guidance, and the development of emphases not covered hitherto have combined to advise the preparation and publication of this book.
Nearly 150 years separate us from the times in which the earliest sections of the Doctrine and Covenants were given. We have forgotten, if we have ever known, many small but important details of Church history which provide light for understanding the words of the prophets. This book attempts to provide some of the desired background as faithfully as possible.
This edition differs from the earlier printings in three major respects: some biographical notes formerly included have been eliminated since they are now available in Church History, Volumes 5, 6, 7, and 8; a considerable number of comments on the text have been added; and the book has been brought up-to-date.
This is the 1977 edition, which contains Sections 1-152 (1976). Two earlier editions are generally available. A later edition, entitled The Edwards Commentary..., was published in 1986.