by Percy E. Farrow
The discerning person may look backward and recognize the many times God has projected himself into the affairs of men and of nations to maintain His cause so that righteousness should not perish from the earth. In spite of wickedness, confusion, and human frustrations, and sometimes because of these, this present age delineates perhaps more than any other "signs of the times" elucidated by the prophets, Jesus, and the apostles, which point in the direction of divine judgment and fulfillment.
Evaluation of Scripture and history in this light may give us confidence that God will never forsake His intent, but will continue His self-disclosure in the consummation of His purpose in creation, both for time and eternity. Therefore, we are enabled to develop hope, both for here and hereafter, leading to a quality of living which eventually, by the grace of God, will overcome all evil as His Kingdom becomes triumphant. One of our most greatly to be feared enemies is death, both physical and spiritual. Consequently, to deal only with this present world is inadequate.
This book has been written with all of the above factors clearly in mind—to bring them into proper perspective. Throughout all time God has been moving by various media to keep the flame of truth glowing. Following the earlier centuries of the Christian era, the Reformation helped to pave the way for a renewed understanding of the gospel of divine grace. Scholarship, in spite of its conservative and liberal diversities, has made a number of essential, affirmative contributions. In the Restoration movement, commencing with the inspired ministry of Joseph Smith, we believe that God released a significant intellectual and spiritual force for the benefit of all mankind, and that His Spirit is moving through all the powers which He has at work in the world.