Compliled by George Gross
“In the summer of 1934, U. W. Greene, once called the ‘boy preacher,’ came to Maine as an old man. He brought his grandson, Myron Nunn, a boy my own age, nine years old. Myron was not at all religious, but he told me I ought to be baptized just in case there was something to it! So to my mother's delight, I decided to be baptized.
“Brother Greene was living about 50 feet from the harbor at high tide. He agreed to baptize me on the spot and confirm me. My mother and Myron were the only others present. I am sorry to say that my baptism at age nine didn't really ‘take’ until many years later. But even as a lad and a young man, I learned the gospel of Jesus Christ through the testimonies of the men and women of Stonington and the nearby islands and coast. As they told about people they knew, they also proclaimed the love of God and the truths of the Restoration, thereby nourishing me in the gospel of Jesus Christ.
“I hope that this book will nourish others. We have selected many of these experiences and reports from articles submitted to Church periodicals by missionaries and other Saints from 1832 to recent times. Some of these experiences have never been published before, but they have been known and handed down through the years. May their printing here help insure that they will never be forgotten.
“I pray that the contents of this book will strengthen and help us all be steadfast in knowing and sharing the Restoration message. ‘Brightly beams our Father's mercy from His lighthouse evermore, but to us He gives the keeping of the lights along the shore.’ May we be good stewards of that light.”