

by Sara Conduff

Writing this book has been a beautiful experience for me, sorrowful at times, but at the same time very joyful. I have felt an inner need for many years to express my story in the small hope that someone might benefit from my experiences. Life is sometimes difficult, and many times we reach a point, as I did, where continuing to live does not seem to be the best alternative.

After finding Christ, or really recognizing that He had always been with me, the alternatives were suddenly enormous, with beautiful hopes and challenges to look forward to. I find Christ to be a living, close, personal God who has helped me move from a young, orphaned girl in Central America contemplating suicide on a bridge overlooking the Chamelecon River to a thankful wife, mother of three beautiful children, and spiritually challenged member of the Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.

Even now, as I write this preface, I am seeing and remembering the many beautiful ways God has fulfilled my heart's desires and prayers. He is always with each of us "Because He Cares" for our needs. We only have to learn to recognize, trust, and accept His gifts.